Chinese cuisine is a culinary produced by Chinese people , both in China and overseas , including in Indonesia. The term Chinese cuisine in mainland China also refers to the variety of all ethnic groups , religions and traditions that develop in that country. However, in general, Chinese cuisine introduced to many nations in the world is predominantly Han ethnic cuisine . The influence of Han ethnic cuisine is in every eastern cuisine and spreads beyond its communities around the world.
Preparing Chinese dishes for everyday life can be short and easy, but for formal events it can be a variety and festive dish. The philosophy of Chinese cuisine is that food should satisfy the taste buds and complement the taste, even though the ingredients are simple.
Like other nations, since primitive times, the Chinese have relied on game and catch from the sea or rivers. Over time, both animal and agricultural meat products became a dish in daily consumption. At times there was a strong trend towards the consumption of a vegetable based diet , following the introduction of Buddhism which forbids killing animals. This custom increased during the Tang and Song dynasties when the population grew and Buddhism was widely practiced.
In modern times where the economy depends on agriculture, apart from a large population, consumption patterns also depend on agricultural products with less meat. Tamie Capcay Seafood from chinese, Easy Chinese Food-style stir-fried vegetables filled with delicious and savory seafood! Capcay is one of the practical and healthy oriental dishes. Capcay itself comes from the Hokkien language, “cap” means ten, while “cay” means vegetable.
Instead of buying, let’s try for yourself how to make delicious simple capcay. I made this recipe and it tasted like the capcai (or capcay) my mother made at home! It was such a nice surprise. You can prepare Tamie Capcay Seafood using only 15 ingredients and 6 steps. Here are the ingredients and how to cook it, let’s make Tamie Capcay Seafood!
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